Jun 25, 2018
Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo, is one of the most iconic artists--with one of the most iconic faces--of the 20th century. Join our hosts as they debate her work and discuss the 2002 biopic about her life.
Jun 18, 2018
Jean-Michel Basquiat is one of the most intriguing, instinctual and influential artists to come out of the last fifty years. Join our hosts as they dissect his work and the 1996 biopic directed by Julian Schnabel.
Jun 11, 2018
Join our hosts on their first live recording as they battle it and expose two famous art world rivalries: Pablo Picasso versus Henri Matisse and Jackson Pollock versus Willem de Kooning.
Jun 8, 2018
IG, FB, DM...social media has irrevocably changed the way consumers find, share and acquire art. Join our hosts as they debate the merits and drawbacks of social media with Fred Lidskog, the head of content behind outdoor art archive @impermanent_art.